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Eusebeia, Gnōsis & Epistēmē in the Corp. Herm.

Eusebeia, Gnōsis & Epistēmē in the Corp. Herm.

Bandeira do Brasil


Abstract: Since the scientific and technological development, the pious knowledge was relegated to an impotence state in front of the new techniques of seeing the world and the existent contradictions in him. The human being started to be a double-divided individual one between a natural mystic empirical knowledge and a scientific academic epistemological knowledge, apparently disconnected from the whole reality of daily life and of  life, who seems to see everything from an immense distance. Not always it was so. The human being could reconcile the empirical, mystic and natural knowledge with all the forms of arts and technologies which used to make him  nearer  the Cosmos and  God. In order to understand the Transcendent thing, the human being used to dive into his life experience itself, into the observation of the around and center where he lived, developing techniques and arts to observe his world. The Hermeticists used to understand everything as a propedeutical process to join himself to the Divinity. The present text intends to provoke a reflection about the conception of Eusebeia, Gnōsis and Epistēmē in the Corpus Hermeticum and to propose a possibility of elucidation of the dialogue relation between these conceptions in the context of the Environment of the New Testament where the Hermetic Literature came to. Besides, the dialogue relation between these conceptions can guide us to do an updated reflection about the paper of the “common sense” and of the academic-scientific knowledge. So, to epistemologize should be understood like a methodological propedeutical process in order to have a gnoseological theological cosmological anthropological knowledge.

Keywords: Knowledge. Devotion. Hermetism.

LIRA, D. P. Eusebeia, Gnōsis e Epistēmē: um diálogo atual entre conhecimento piedoso e ciência no Corpus Hermeticum. In: SCHARPER, V.; OLIVEIRA, K.L. de; WESTHELLE, V.; NÚÑEZ DE LA PAZ, N.I.; REBLIN, I. A.. (Org.). Deuses e Ciências: A Teologia Contemporânea na América Latina e no Caribe. 2 ed. São Leopoldo: Faculdades EST; USACH, 2010, p. 231-240. Additional references: Brazil / Portuguese. Means of spread: Digital way, ISBN: 9788589754262.