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Curriculum Vitę in English

Curriculum Vitę in English

 Bandeira do Brasil

Curriculum Vitæ

David Pessoa de Lira, B. Th., M.Th.,

(Alma Mater: Escola Superior de Teologia – Faculdades EST) 

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1. Education

 David Pessoa de Lira is Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) through the Anglican Seminary of Theological Studies in Recife City/ PE (2002) and through the Escola Superior of Theology in São Leopoldo/ RS (2006). He also studied Edifications and Constructions at the Technical School Prof. Agamemnon Magalhães (1993-1996), where he studied the Secondary School as well. He is Master of Theology (M.Th.) in the area of Bible/ New Testament through the Escola Superior of Theology (2006), where he is studying the Doctor of Theology (D.Th.) Degree (2010 – until now) in the subarea Bible: specialty New Testament – Religious Questions of the Greco-Roman Environment, specialty Corpus Hermeticum.

 2. Teaching Probationer

 He has professional experience as Teaching Probationer of the New Testament Greek, in the Graduation, at the Escola Superior of Theology in São Leopoldo/ RS (2006); Teaching Probationer of the New Testament, in the Graduation, at the Escola Superior de Teologia in São Leopoldo/ RS (2010); Teaching Probationer of the New Testament, in the Postgraduation Stricto Sensu, at the Escola Superior de Teologia in São Leopoldo/ RS (2011); Teaching Probationer of the New Testament Greek, in the Graduation, at the Escola Superior of Theology in São Leopoldo/ RS (2006); Teaching Probationer of the New Testament, in the Graduation, at the Escola Superior de Teologia in São Leopoldo/ RS (2010). 

3. Professional Experience

 He has experience in the Theology area, with emphasis in New Testament: Religious questions of the World Greco-Romano: Corpus Hermeticum, acting principally in the following subjects: Hermetism, Sciences of the Religion, Religio-Philosophical Hermetism, Corpus Hermeticum and New Testament. His Areas of the knowledge are: Great area: Human studies, Theology, Bible, New Testament,  Religious questions of the Graeco-Roman World, Corpus Hermeticum; besides these, History of the Religions, Graeco-Roman Religions, Hermetism and Corpus Hermeticum;  Philosophy, History of the Philosophy, Ancient Pagan Philosophy, Hermetism.

Professor of the New Testament Greek and Introduction to Philosophy and Coordinator of Theology , Faculdade de Teologia e Ciências Humanas, FATECH, Macapá/AP/Brazil (2008).

Professor of the New Testament Greek, Seminário Batista do Rio Grande do Sul, SBRS, Porto Alegre/RS/Brazil (2007).

Visiting Professor of the New Testament Greek, Mosteiro da Santíssima Trindade - Santa Cruz do Sul, MBST, Santa Cruz do Sul/RS/Brazil (2005).

Professor of Exegesis, the New Testament Greek, Hermeneutics, History of the Church, Curso Ecumênico de Teologia da Associação Amazônica de Ciências Humanas e da Religião, ACER/CAIC, Belém/PA/Brazil (2003-2004).

Professor of the New Testament and Rector, Instituto Anglicano de Teologia, IAT, Olinda/PE/Brazil (2002-2003).

Professor of Professor of Exegesis, the New Testament Greek, Hermeneutics, Anglican Theology, Visiting Professor, Monitor, Seminário Anglicano de Estudos Teológicos do Recife, SAET, Recife/PE/Brazil (2000-2002).

Technical Trainee of Edification and Constructions, Prefeitura Municipal de Olinda, Prefeitura de Olinda, Olinda/PE/Brazil (1996).

 4. Scholarships Received


Scholarship holder (student on a full time scholarship) of the National Counsel o Scientific and Technological Development (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq) since 2004 until 2006, during the master’s degree studies.

Scholarship holder (student on a full time scholarship) of the Co-ordination of Improvement of People of Superior Level (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES) since 2010 until 2014, during the doctor’s degree studies.

Scholarship holder (in the Sandwich PhD Program period), being received as extraordinary student with PhD Sandwich Scholarship (Partial Partial Doctoral Fellowship) in the Stricto Sensu Postgraduation Program in Sciences of the Religion of the  Pontifícia Universidade Católica  of Goiás - PUC/GO) through the Projects of the National Program of Academic Cooperation – New Frontiers Action (Projetos do Programa Nacional de Cooperação Acadêmica – Ação Novas Fronteiras PROCAD NF 203/2010)  and carried out in December of 2010.

5. Teaching Record  - Courses Taught

* LIRA, D. P. Introduction to the Religio-Philosophical Hermetism: with emphasis in Corpus Hermeticum, 2010. (Course of short duration administered).1

* LIRA, D. P. Theoretical Fundametals and Hermeneutic Itinerary for the Interpretation of Corpus Hermeticum, 2011. (Course  of short duration administered).2 

6. Bibliography

See the Bibliographical Productions.

 7. Languages

7.1 Modern Languages

English (fluent/ proficiency/ competency)

French (reading proficiency)

Greek (Modern - reading proficiency)

Italian (reading proficiency)

Latin (Early Modern- reading proficiency)

Portuguese (fluent/ proficiency/ competency)

Spanish (reading proficiency)

7.2 Ancient Languages

Coptic (Sahidic and Bohairic dialects)

Hebrew (Ancient and Biblical)

Greek (Ancient and Byzantine)

Latin (Classical and Medieval)

8. Presentation of the papers in the Intarnational Events

 Presentation of the extended abstract “A (re)iconização do ser humano em tempos de globalização: aproximações hermenêuticas entre Gênesis 1.26-27 e Corpus Hermeticum, Libellus I.12, 16-18.” at the XIV Seminário Internacional do Programa de Diálogo Norte-Sul: Vida Cotidiana: Lugar de Intercâmbio ou de Nova Colonização entre o Norte e o Sul., 2010. (Seminar)

Presentation of the article ‘Eusebeia, Gnosis e Episteme: um diálogo atual entre conhecimento piedoso e ciência no Corpus Hermeticum’ at the II Congreso Internacional Ciencias, Tecnologías y Culturas. Diálogo entre las Disciplinas Del Conocimiento Mirando al Futuro de América Latina y el Caribe, 2010. (Congress)

Presentation of the article ‘O Estudo do Corpus Hermeticum na História das Religiões’ at the III Simpósio Internacional de Teologia e Ciências da Religião, 2010. (Simposium)