The Sacredness of Corpus Hermeticum: Divine and Human Communication
in the Hermetic Texts.
Abstract: The hermetic texts express sacred words (of the revelation of the sacred one) through a philosophical language. The attempt here is to search to know if these texts were received as divinely inspired. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the leading role of Hermes Trismegistos as charismatic, mythical, authoritative, inspiring persona and transmitter of the Gnōsis and Eusebeia in Corpus Hermeticum. Besides, it is impossible to understand these texts as inspired without stopping thinking about the hermeneutic itinerary which must be applied in order that his sacredness identifies, with their details which are more sacred, profane, immanent, transcendent, optimist, pessimist etc. This work passes in revision the approach of understanding the Corpus Hermeticum not as merely philosophical work, but as a Sacred Text.
Keywords: Corpus Hermeticum; Hermetism; Sacred Texts; History of the Religions; Hermes Trismegistos.
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LIRA, D. P. A Sacralidade do Corpus Hermeticum: Comunicação Divina e Humana nos Textos Herméticos. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL EM CIÊNCIAS DA RELIGIÃO, 5; SEMANA DE ESTUDOS DA RELIGIÃO, 12, 2011, Goiânia/GO. A Religião na Mídia, A Mídia na Religião. Goiânia: PUC Goiás, 2011. p. 1-20. Additional references: Brazil / Portuguese. Means of spread: Digital way, ISSN: 2177-3963.